IAS Exam Papers-Main - Sociology (Paper - II) 2007

Sociology - 2007 (Main) (Paper - II)  SECTION-A

1. Write critical notes on any THREE of the following in not more than 200 words each: - 20x3=60

(a) Problem of Dowry

(b) Sanskritiation

(c) Programme for Urban development

(d) Problems of urban development

2. Discuss the role of various reform movements in India? 60

3. Describe the salient features of poverty alleviation programme. What modification would you suggest to make them more effective 60

4. Discuss the various problems of tribal communities in India and access the impact of tribal development efforts after independence. 60


5. Write critical notes on any THREE of the following in not more than 200 words each: - 20x3=60

(a). Education and social mobility

(b). Regionalism

(c). Market economy and its social consequence

(d). Agrarian Unrest

6. Discuss the major problems of religions fundamentalism in contemporary India. Give suggestion to tackle these problems. 60

7. Discuss the social consequence of economic reforms like liberalization, privatization and globalization. 60

8. Discuss the impact of legislation and social economic changes on marriage and family institutions. Are these institutions weakening in contemporary India ? 60

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