Sociology - 2007 (Main) (Paper - I) SECTION A
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each: 20x3=60
(a) Sociology as a science of society
(b) Talcott Parson concept of social system
(c) Social Facts
(d) Robert Merton View on Manifest and latent functions
2. Explain Karl Marks analysis of capitalistic mode of production and class struggle. What are the intellectual reactions to his view? 60
3. What is the subject-matter of sociology according to Max Weber? Which Major methods did he suggest for social science research? Illustrate your answer with his sociological contributions. 60
4. Elaborate Emile Durkheim’s analysis of the elementary forms of religion life and role of religion in society. How does he explain existence of religion in modern industrial society? 60
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each: 20x3=60
(a) Changing structure of family
(b) Role conflict and its resolution
(c) Education as an instrument of social change
(d) Features of Pre-Industrial Economic system.
6. Indicates social determinates of economic development. Discuss any one sociological perspective analyzing backwardness and poverty in the development society. 60
7. What are the structural elements of a social movement? State how a social movement comes to its end. Illustrate your answer with example. 60
8. Explain the meaning and modes of political participation. What are the factors preventing people’s participation in Politics in India. 60