IAS Exam Papers-Main - Psychology (Paper - I) 2009

Psychology - 2009 (Main) (Paper - I) SECTION – A
1. Answer any THREE of the following in not more than 200 words each: 20×3=60
a) Perception of size is explained from visual angle perspective. Evaluate its adequate.

b) The History of psychology show ‘ mind-body’ approach as one of the popular ways of explaining behaviour. Discuss how this is being revisited in modern psychology.

c) With suitable examples distinguish between exploratory type and confirmatory type factor analysis.How do you examine the significance level of factors loadings?

d) Distinguish the application of signal detection theory In the selection process of defense personal. How do you get and interpret ROC Curve.

2. a). Distinguish between ‘ intelligence’ and ‘ aptitude’ tests. Lists commonly measured aptitudes and their tests. 30

b). Prepare an experimental design following Sperling’s technique’ to study iconic memory. What does the experiment prove ? 30

3. What is psychological well being ? Discuss variousmethods in promoting psychological well being across major stages of the life span. 60

4. Discuss various characteristics of probability learning. Prepare an experimental design of probability learning following ‘ Bernoulli Sequence’. When is the behaviour of the subject labeled as ‘ gambler’s fallacy’? 60


5. Answer any THREE of the following in not more than 200 words each: 20×3=60
a) Comment on Chomsky’s theory of transformational Generative grammar and discuss its later modifications.

b) Discuss the use(s) of SPSS programme in psychological testing.

c) What is non directive thinking? Discuss different dimensions of thoughts processes in relation to conceptand creativity ?

d) How is emotional competence assessed? Discuss the efforts of emotion on behaviour. Cite experimental evidence.

6. What are the different stages of sleep ? How are these stages assessed experimentally ? Citing relevant research studies discuss the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive,affective and behavioral dimensions. 60

7. Critically evaluate the relative merits and demerits of psychometric measures of personality and intelligence.60

8. Discuss nature, formation and measurement of attitude. Can attitude be changed? Substantiate your answer citing research finding. 60

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