IAS Exam Papers-Main - Sociology (Paper - I) 2006

2006- Main- Sociology- SECTION A

1. Write short notes on any three of the following (Each note should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Intellectual background for the emergence of sociology.
(b) Concept of Ideal Type and its limitations.
(c) Nuclear family and industrial society.
(d) Vertical society mobility.

2. Explain Karl Marx's 'theory of social change'. What are the reactions of functionalists to his views ?

3. What according to Emile Durkheim is the nature of relationship between the individual and society ? Explain this with the help of his analysis of division of labour in society.

4. What are the reactions of Robert Merton to the functionalism pioneered by social anthropologists ? Indicate in limitations of his idea of latent functions.


5. Write short notes on any three of the following (Each note should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Caste-system as a principle of social stratification
(b) Structure of a social movement
(c) Religion and Science
(d) Human factors involved in directed social change

6. "Education is one of the basic activities for the continued existence and development of a society". Elaborate this statement.

7. Explain the idea of social responsibility of science. Analyze the social consequences of development of science and technology in the context of removal of backwardness in developing societies.

8. State significance of social policy in social development. Under what conditions a social policy fails to be effective in its performance?

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