IAS Exam Papers-Main - Sociology (Paper - II) 2006

Sociology - 2006 (Main) (Paper - II)


1. Write short notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each
(a) Continuity and change in Indian society
(b) Backward classes movement
(c) Social consequences of privatisation
(d) Industrialisation & family change in India, with examples

2. Describe the major aspects of traditional Hindu social organization. How far are they relevant for present day Indian society?

3. Discuss the social factors responsible for the emergence of Dalit consciousness in India. What have been the social consequences of this phenomenon?

4. Is Indian peasant society a non-modern society? Evaluate with suitable examples in support of your answer.


5. Write short notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Social factors related to declining sex-ratio
(b) Environmental pollution in urban areas
(c) Self Respect Movement
(d) Discrimination against women

6. Describe the indicators of secularism. In your opinion, is it being practiced in letter and spirit in present day Indian society?

7. Discuss the salient features of the population policy of Government of India. What modifications would you suggest to make it more effective?

8. Describe the social factors related with the problems of alcoholism and drug addiction. What measures would you suggest to tackle these problems?

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