Question | Answer |
RO1 | oldest type of research grant that NIH offers; specifically for health related projects; $25,000 - $250,000 |
RO3 | grant for pilot study or smaller projects; $25,000 - $50,000. |
David Sackett | coined the term evidence based medicine; out of that term developed the Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine. |
Archie Cochran | epidemiologist from Scottand; wrote "Effectiveness and Efficiency"; argued that it was unethical to base medical decisions on anything intangible. |
CFDA | (Catalog Federal Domestic Assistance) source that describes how to apply for research grants. (government) |
Federal Register | source that shows all available grants (government) |
What is the largest sources of federal funding? | NIH (National Institute of Health) and NSF (National Science Foundation) |
What are the 3 components of evidence based practice? (triad) | 1)research, 2)client, 3) practitioner |
What is the purpose of EBP? | to make decision |
What is PICOT? | acronym that gives the 4 components needed for a clear, concise question: population, intervention, comparison, outcome, time frame |
What is Institutional Research Fund? | college grants for research; $1000 - $5000. |
501(c)3 status | one of the benefits for nonprofit charities, makes exempt from paying income tax |
mesh headings? | helpful tool on PubMed that allows you to look up a certain word to see what words they tie that to in their database. |
Cochran Library | single most reliable source of the effects of health care; gold standard for EBM; latest medical txs, expert reviews, systematic reviews. |
Scientific Hierarchy of Evidence (Pyramid) | strongest to weakest: systematic reviews and meta analysis; randomized controlled double blind studies, cohort studies, case series, case reports, ideas editorials opinions, animal research, in vitro test tube research. |
What is the strongest type of evidence? | systematic review and meta analysis |
What does a "blind study" remove? | bias |
What is systematic review? | when an author does a full search of the databases and tries to get all the studies that looked at the specific patient problem |
What is meta analysis? | apply statistical analysis to systematic; is a quantitative approach; provides a better estimate of how much a variable affects a situation |
Oxford Center | one model for ranking system (uses numbers and letters): 1-5 with A-C; Highest level is 1A and 5 is the lowest.;; (another model for ranking system is American Academy for Family Physicians) |
In order to use EBP what other process must you first understand? | the research process |
How is research utilization different from EBP? | research utilization looks at ONE study to decide whether or not it has implications, EBP looks at ALL evidence and integrates with pt values and expertise of clinician (research utilization is part of EBP) |
What is the first step in the evidence based practice process? | identify a problem and formulate a question |
Acronym used to develop a question? | PICOT |
Who are the 2 gentlemen credited for beginning the EBP movement? | Sackett and Cochrane |
EBP may include practice based on expert opinion? | true |
hypothesis | predicts a relationship between a dependent and independent variable; for quantitative studies; must contain terms that indicate the relationship. |
boolean operator | define relationships between words or groups of words: AND, OR, NOT |
nominal | data categorized but no data or order (i.e gender) |
ordinal | categories with order but intervals not necessarily equal and no zero (i.e. pain) |
interval | equal intervals but no true zero (i.e. temperature scales) |
ratio | equal intervals with a true zero (i.e. wt, volume, length) |
invitro | testing not performed in a living organism i.e in test tube |
invivo | testing done on a hole living organism (animals) |
public foundation | gets money from multiple sources including the gov't |
private foundation | get donations usually from ONE source (AANA) |
What act passed as a result of Nancy Cruzan's death? | Patient self determination act of 1990. |
What hospital committee was created as a result of Karen Quinlan's death? | hospital ethics committee |
What governs the IRB? | code of federal regulations |
What was created as a result of the Tuskeegee experiement? | Belmont Report, OHRP (office for human research protection), and IRB (internal review boards |
What are normative or prescriptive ethics concerned with? | what people SHOULD believe (golden rule) |
What are non-normative or descriptive ethics concerned with? | scientific study of moral beliefs and practices. |
What is axiology? | philosophical study of morality or values. |
What is morality? | aceptable behavior within a group or society |
What is teleology? | based on consequences of actions |
What is deontology? | based on duty. |
How are ethics enforced? | ethics committees and professional organizations (AANA) |
Who is Edward Jenner known as? | father of immunology - invented smallpox vaccine |
Who is Moses Maimonides? | jewish philosopher and physician for the Sultan. Displayed what would now be called “intercultural awareness and respect for patient’s autonomy.” |
Who is Claude Bernard? | French surgeon who came up with the notion of “blind” experiments, the term “homeostasis”, and the scientific method. |
Who does the IRB protect? | human subjects, researcher, institution, |
What is the "common rule"? | research (systematic), generalizability (intent), human subject (identifiers) |
What groups make up the vunerable population? | very young, frail elderly, pregnant, children, prisoners, mentally incompetent, poor, uneducated. |
What are the 3 review categories of the IRB? | nonexempt, exempt, expedited |
What is an example of exempt review? | 1)educational - testing 2) the collection of existing data - specimens, documents |
What is an example of expidited review? | 1) voice, video, digital, image recordings 2) focus groups 3) materials collected for non-research purposes. |
Can expidited review be used for continuing review? (no greater than minimal risk review) | yes (if previously reviewed by full-board) and 1) research is closed to enrollment 2) subjects have completed remaining research activities 3) remaining research is for data analysis only |
Does HIPPA regulate research? | no |
How does HIPPA impact research? | permits access of "protected health information" |
A healthcare provider has a right to access a patient's PHI for research purposes? | false |
What are the essential components of a problem statement? | population and variable(s) to be studied |
What is considered the foundation of a research study? | problem statement |
What's included in the research problem? | background, feasibility, supporting literature |
What does the statement of purpose in quantitative studies identify? | variables, relationship among variables, population, nature of the inquiry (to test, to compare, to evaluate) |
Research questions can be used to clarify the statement of purpose? | True |
Grounded theory, phenomenolgy , and ethnography are examples of what kind of research? | qualitative |
Hypothesis are disadvantageous for what type of studies? | qualitative |
What is H1 or Ha known as? | research hypothesis |
What is Ho known as? | statistical hypothesis or null hypothesis |
The null hypothesis is the .............of a relationship, whereas, the research hypothesis is the ................ of a relationship. | absence, prediction |
What is a type 1 error? | the rejection of a true null hypothesis (or incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis), leading to a false positive. |
What is a type 2 error? | the retention of a false null hypothesis (or incorrectly keeping the null hypothesis), leading to a false negative. |
A dependent variable is the cause or outcome of the independent variable? | True |
What type of variable takes on a large range of values? | continuous |
What type of variable takes on a small range of values and are usually whole numbers? | discrete |
What is an example of a categorical variable? | ethnicity |
What is an example of a dichotomous variable? | gender (only 2 categories possible) |
Extraneous or confounding variable can affect a research study? | True (therefore need to control them) |
Variables must be operational to be tested? | true |
Pearson correlation works best for what type of data? | interval |