Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section. All questions carry equal marks.
1.Comment on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each :
(a) "In the science of administration, whether public or private, the basic 'good' is efficiency”.
(b) "That is to be a successful administrator one must have a catholic curiosity.”
(c) "Once fully established, bureaucracy is among those social structures which are the hardest to destroy."
(d) "Theoretically the Board administration violates the distinction between government and politics because through it politics is injected in the administration."
2. Examine the basic postulates of the Human Relations Theory and show how far it differs from the classical theory of organizations.
3. (a) "Frederick Herzberg’s Two-factor theory is more or less an extension of Abraham Maslow's theory of motivation. " Explain.
(b) "Centralization inclines toward power and domination. Decentralization, on the other hand, inclines toward competition and self-dermination. " Discuss.
4. How far is it true to state that for a developing democracy the concept of civil service neutrality is outdated; instead there is a need for a civil service with professional competence and commitment ?
5. Comment on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each :
(a) "The controls exercised over administration by legislature are, in sum of greater theoretical than practical efficacy ."
(b) Development administration is basically an " action-oriented, goal-oriented administrative system. "
(c) The central concern of administrative law has been the legal limitation of administrative 'discretion'.
(d) " Administrative reforms are induced changes in the machinery of government undertaken in order to bridge the gap between reality and desirability."
6. Bring out the importance of Organization and Methods (O & M). Do you think that there should be a separate O & M organization ?
7. (a) "Time-honoured and yet often not sufficiently appreciated are the fiscal techniques for securing responsible conduct of administrative business." Discuss.
(b) How far is it true to state that delegated legislation has become a present day necessity and it has come to stay; it is both inevitable and indispensable ?
8. "Policy-making does not end once a decision is made. The implementation of the decision can have just as great an impact on public policy as the decision itself. " Discuss.
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