NCLEX- EKG 12 lead

Regular P waves followed by QRS, rate 60 - 100Sinus Rhythm
PR interval > .20 ; represents a slowing of conduction in the AV nodeSR with 1st degree heart block
PR interval widening with an occasional dropped QRS, usually not symptomaticSR with 2nd degree heart block type I (wenkebach)



PR interval > .20 but constant, usually 3:1 ratio and P wave not always followed by QRS complexSR with 2nd degree heart block type II (mobitz)
P-P constant, QRS constant, P is not followed by QRS in fact there is no correlation between P and QRS, "they do not talk"; usually symptomatic3rd degreee heart block
QRS originates in AV node, QRS 40 -60 bpm, P wave may or may not be presentJunctional Rhythm (seen a lot in anesthesia)
no P waves, comes from AV node rate >60 bpmAccelerated Junctional rhythm
Unable to get a PR interval, very irregular complexes, no p waves presentAtrial Fibrillation
Saw tooth P waves present; QRS is regular; common 2:1 conductionAtrial Flutter
HR of 140 - 220; does not come from SA node buy the tissues around the AV nodeSupraventricular Tachycardia
HR 100-220 with wide bizarre QRS; can often lead to ventricular fibrillationVentricular tachycardia
Failure of primary pacemaker, rate <40 bmp: this is the ventricles last ditch effort for cardiac output, QRS is wide and bizarreIdioventricular Rhythm
Which leads are the precordial leads?V leads
Which leads are the limb leads?I,II, III
Which leads are the augmented leads?avf, avl, avr
Which are the positive leads?AvF, V3-6
Which are the negative leads?Limb leads, and AvR
When lead I is up and avf is down what type of axis deviation is it?Left shift
When lead I is down and avf is up what type of axis deviation is it?Right shift
When lead I is down and avf is down what type of axis deviation is it?Extreme right shift
Bundle Branch Blocks are seen in which leads?I, V1, V6, and a QRS > .12
Right Bundle Branch Blocks are diagnosed how on EKG'sthere is a R. S. R1 configuration in V1
Left Bundle Branch Blocks are diagnosed how on an EKGI positive and wide, "bunny ears" seen in V6, but sometimes look like a notch in the QRS in V5
Anterior wall is supplied by what arteryLAD, seen best in V1-V4
What is the treatment for and anterior wall MI?Start nitro, stop sx, increase 02, gas off, fentanyl, and watch fluid overload
Lateral wall is supplied by which arteryLAD, or obtuse, seen in lead I, avl, V5-V6
Inferior wall is supplied by which arteryRCA, seen in leads II, IIIm abd avf
how is a inferior wall MI treatedincrease fluids, and get ready for dysrhythmias
which wall is supplied by PDA and is seen as negative in leads V1 and V2posterior wall

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