Placement Papers - TCS - Verbal - Synonyms 9

1] Depreciation = deflation,depression,devaluation,fall,slump
2] Depricate = feel and express disapproval
3] Incentive = thing one encourages one to do
4] Echelon = level of authority or responsibility
5] Innovation = make changes or introduce new things
6] Intermittant = externally stopping and then starting
7] Detrimental = harmful
8] Mesotiate = ...
9] Conciliation = make less angry or more friendly
10] Orthodox = conventional or superstitious
11] Fallible = liable to err
12] Volatile = ever changing
13] Manifestion = clear or obvious
14] Connotation =
15] Reciprocal = reverse, opposite
16] Agrarian = related to agriculture
17] Vacillate = undecided or dilemma
18] Experdent = fitting proper , desirable
19] Simulate = produce artificially resembling an existing one
20] Access = to approach
21] Compensation= salary
22] Truncate = shorten by cutting
23] Adherance = stick
24] Heterogenous = non-similar things
25] Surplus = excessive
26] Assess = determine the amount or value
27] Cognezance = knowledge
28] Retrospective = review
29] Naive = innocent , rustic
30] Equivocate = tallying on both sides
31] Postulate = frame a theory
32] Latent = dormant, secret
33] Fluctuate = wavering
34] Eliminate = to reduce
35] Affinity = strong liking
36] Expedite = hasten
37] Console = to show sympathy
38] Adversary = opposition
39] Affable = lovable, approachable
40] Decomposable = rotten
41] Agregious = apart from crowd, especially bad
42] Conglomeration = group
43] Aberration = deviation
44] Erudite = wise, profound
45] Augury = prediction
46] Credibility = ability to common belief, quality of being credible
47] Coincident = incidentally
48] Constituent = accompanying
49] Differential = having or showing or making use of
50] Distention = act out, stretching out ,swelling out
51] Litigation = engaging in a law suite
52] Moratorium = legally or officially determined period of delay before the fulfillment of the agreement or payment of debts
53] Negotiate = discuss or bargain
54] Preparation = act of preparing
55] Preponderant = superiority of power or quality
56] Relevance = quality of being relevant
57] Apparatus = appliance
58] Ignorance = blindness or inexperience
59] Obsession = complex enthusiasm
60] Precipitate = Quicken.



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