Technical Interview:
There were 3 members in the Panel. They were really friendly. They make u really comfortable.
Be well versed with ur project.
Be prepared with at least one software language ( They almost cover all the topics in the subj chosen)
I told them that I was more comfortable with JAVA. They covered all the topics. Be clr with all the basic concepts. If u don’t know the answer 2 any question then just admit it.
They may also ask u questions from ur resume
The most important thing is RELAX( KEEP SMILING).
HR Interview: This was not the regular kinda HR round.
I was asked abt my parents
My project
Was given a realistic problem 2 solve.
He wanted me 2 convince him abt my commitment to HCL.
About the Test
To clear the HCL TECHNOLOGIES written test, all u have to do is use BASIC LOGIC.
Go thro’ all the previous papers. The questions usually get repeated.
There are 4 sections.
1) Aptitude
2) General computer concepts
3) C programming
4) Flowchart analysis
There’s negative marking. So be careful.
The only constraint is Time.
So if can utilize the time well, then u will definitely clear the test.
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