High Court

Appointment of Judges:

Ajudge of the HighCourt is appointed by the President by warrantunder his hand and seal after consultation withthe Chief Justice ofIndia, the Governor of theState, and in the case of appointment of a judgeother than Chief Justice, the Chief Justice ofthe High Court concerned. Provision has alsobeen made for the attendance of the retiredjudges at sittings of the High Courts.Qualifications: A pErson cannot be appointeda judge of a High Court unless:
(i) he is a citizen of India;
(ij) has for at least ten years held a judicialoffice in the territory of India; and
(iii) has for at least ten years been the advocate of a High Court or of two or more such Courts in succession.

Conditions of Services: A judge of a HighCourt holds office until he attains the age of 62years. He may be removed from his office in the same manner in which a judge of the Supreme Court is removed (discllssed earlier). Every judge is entitled to such allowances and to such rights in respect oC leave and pension as may from time to time be determined by the Parliamentary enactment. His allowances and other rights are not to be varied to his disadvantage after the appointment.

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