- National Scholarship Scheme
- National Scholarships For Talented Children From Rural Areas
- Scholarships For Post-MatMric Students In Hindi
The Scheme for award of National Scholarships on merit was introduced in 1961-62 for Post-Matric Studies so that no brilliant student is prevented on ground of poverty from pursuing an academic career. The scholarships are allotted among the various States and Union Territory on the basis of population. Number of Scholarships given are 38,000 per year. The Registrars of Universities/Secretaries of Education Boards furnish data in regard to the number of students appeared and passed in various examinations in prescribed proforma by the end of September each year.
Indian nationals who have secured 60% aggregate marks in the qualifying examination and passed in the same year of award of scholarship are eligible for award. Persons in full time employment or in receipt of any other scholarship/stipend or studying on part-time basis / privately are not eligible.
Scholarships for Post-Graduate studies are sanctioned without consideration of the income of the parents of the candidates. In case of under-graduate / diploma courses the scholarship is offered to those candidates whose parents income is not more than 25,000 per annum. Tenability: A Scholarship under the scheme is tenable from the year it is made. The Scholarship is tenable for the next course of study and not for any equivalent course. In the case of engineering / medicine studies, the scholarship is tenable for the first degree.
Courses & Scholarship Rates
S.No. | Name of Course | Day Scholars Rs. p.m. | Hostellers Rs. p.m. |
i) | Pre-University course & IA/I/Sc/Ist Year of 3 years B.A. /B.Sc/B.Com. etc. course | 60 | 100 |
ii) | B.A./B.Sc./B.Com/B.Archeology etc.(2nd and 3rd year) courses. | 90 | 140 |
iii) | B.E./B.Tech/MBBs/L.L.B/B.Ed/Diploma professional and Engineering studies. | 120 | 300 |
iv) | Degree in Homeopathic course | 120 | 300 |
v) | B.D.S.Course | 120 | 300 |
vi) | M.A./M.Sc/LL.M/M..Ed/MBA | 120 | 300 |
vii) | Post-Graduate Diploma in Tourism | 120 | 300 |
viii) | Diploma in Hotel Management course/Diploma in Homeopathy | 120 | 120 |
ix) | Master of Labour Welfare | 120 | 300 |
x) | Master of Social Welfare | 120 | 300 |
xi) | Post-Graduate Diploma in Banking | 120 | 300 |
xii) | Master of Computer Application course | 120 | 300 |
xiii) | Post-Graduate Diploma in journalism | 120 | 300 |
xiv) | Post- Graduate Diploma in Computer Application | 120 | 300 |
xv) | Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Management. | 120 | 300 |
xvi) | Post- Graduate Programme in Management | 120 | 300 |
xvii) | Master in personal Management and Industrial relations | 120 | 120 |
xviii) | Post-Graduate course in Automobile Engineering | 120 | 300 |
Selection Procedure
Eligible scholars are selected strictly in order of merit by the examining bodies after the result of the examinations are announced by the Board/University i.e. the qualifying examination, starting from the top of the merit list of each examination for which the quota of scholarship has been allocated. The Board / Universities send copies of the list of provisionally selected candidates to the State Governments / Union Territories within 10 weeks from the date of declaration of the result. The Selected scholar present the Entitlement Card, the completed `Statement of Particulars’ and Income Affidavit Forms duly filled in to the Head of the Institution joined by him.
The Director of Collegiate Education / Higher Education/Public Instruction / Education of the State / Union Territory Administration, as the case may be, who are administering the awards in question and who make the final selection on receipt of the Joining Report along with the completed Statement of Particulars and income Affidavit etc., arrange to pay the scholarship money after scrutinising the documents. The scholarship is renewable from year to year within the same stage of education depending on promotion to the next class with 50% aggregate marks.
National Scholarships For Talented Children From Rural Areas
Introduction This scheme has been in operation since 1971-72. The objective of the scheme is to provide opportunities to school students from rural areas to pursue secondary stage education. The number of scholarships allocated is communicated to the State Govts./UT Administration every year. Number of Scholarships given are 43000 per year
A student studying in a school in a community development block in class VI to VIII is eligible to compete for the scholarship. Category-wise distribution of 43,000 scholarships is as under:-
1 | General Category | 4 Scholarships per Community Development Block (4x 5000) | 20,000 |
2 | Children of Landless Labourers | 2 scholarships per Community Development Block (2x 5000) | 10,000 |
3. | Scheduled Castes Children | 2 Scholarships per Community Development Block (2x 5000) and 1 additional scholarship per CDB having 20% or more SC population(1x 1500) | 11,500 |
4 | Scheduled Tribes Children | 3 Scholarships per Tribal Community Development Block (3x 500) | 1,500 |
Scholarships Rates:
Rs. 30 to 100 per month. The scholarship is paid to the scholar through institution. Scholarship commences from the month in which the admission is obtained in a School and is paid up to the month in which last examination of the secondary stage education is held. In the case of renewal in the succeeding year, scholarship is paid from the month following that for which the scholarship was paid during the previous academic year. The scholarship is renewed subject to good academic progress. If the scholar does not make satisfactory progress, the scholarship is suspended.
Selection Procedure:
Eligible students are required to appear in a two stage examination: First Stage: Examination is conducted by the State Govts / UT Administration. The number of selected students is generally ten times the number of scholarship to be offered.
Second-stage-The final examination is conducted at the National level by NCERT. The local unit set up in the State Institutes of Education in consultation with the national level unit in the NCERT, prepare the test papers and organise the examination throughout the States/UTs. The test consists of two papers of 1 1/2 hours each for testing the innate abilities of students. It is common to the entire State/UT. The final selection is made with the Community Development Block as the Unit and top students in each block are awarded scholarships.
Scholarships For Post-Matric Students In
The main object of the scheme is to encourage study of Hindi in non-Hindi speaking States and to make available to the Governments of these States, suitable personnel for teaching and other posts where knowledge of Hindi is essential. Number of Scholarships are 2500.
The scheme of Scholarship to Students from non-Hindi Speaking States for post matric Studies in Hindi was introduced in 1984-85 on all India basis. The State Governments announce the scheme and invite applications by issuing a press notification.
The scholarships under the scheme are awarded for the following recognised full time courses with Hindi as one of the subjects on the basis of results of examination next below conducted by the Board of Education or University or recognised Voluntary Hindi Organisation.
(a) Pre-University / Intermediate and equivalent Examinations: On the basis of Matriculation; SSLC or an equivalent Examinations.
(b) First Degree (Pass and Honours) Courses: On the basis of PUC Examination, Higher Secondary Examination, Indian School Certificate Examination and Intermediate or an equivalent Examination.
(c) M.A. (Hindi): On the basis of B.A. B.Sc / B.Com (pass or Honours) or an equivalent Examinations.
(d) Pre-Ph.D/M.Litt. (Hindi): On the basis of M.A. (Hindi) Examination or an equivalent Examination.
(e) Ph.D. (Hindi): On the basis of the qualification leading to the admission to the Ph.D. Degree.
(f) Full time courses in Hindi for which examinations are conducted by Hindi Voluntary Organisations engaged in the propagation of Hindi or by Universities provided these examinations are recognised as equivalent to Intermediate or above.
The student whose mother tongue is not Hindi and who belong to any of the following States / Union Territories are eligible for scholarship: Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab, Sikkim, Tamilnadu, Tripura, West Bengal, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Arunachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Dadar Nagar Haveli, Goa, Daman & Diu, Lakshdweep, Mizoram and Pondicherry.
The award is given on the basis of results of examinations next below conducted by the Board of Education / University / Voluntary Hindi Organisation and passed in the first attempt.
Following categories of student are not eligible for the award:
- Student who belong to non-Hindi Speaking State but have been residing for any purpose for more than 5 years.
- Student in employment (full or part time) unless they are sponsored by the State Government / UT Administration;
- Student who wish to continue their studies through correspondence / privately;
- Student who are preparing for two courses simultaneously unless Hindi is one of the subjects of study in both these courses. A student in receipt of this scholarship (which is treated as an incentive to learn Hindi) is not barred from receiving any other scholarship. Scholars studying for Ph.D. course can be permitted to accept remuneration for teaching; if it is a part of study / research.
Selection Process:
Selection is made by the non-Hindi Speaking State Govts/UT Administration on the basis of merit determined by the percentage of aggregate marks obtained in the qualifying examination. Candidates who are in employment and are sponsored by the State Govts are given preference.
Duration and Renewal of Awards
An award once made is tenable for the Course for which it is given subject to good conduct and regularity in attendance. The scholarship is renewed from year to year provided the scholar passes in Hindi, secures promotion to the next higher class and Hindi continues to be part of the course of study in the next higher class. The period of scholarship for Ph.D. is 2/3 years. If a scholar fails to pass the examination or fails in Hindi, the award is cancelled. The award once cancelled will not be restored. The scholarship is renewed on the basis of Annual Progress Report.
Scholarship Amount:
Name of the Course | In non-Hindi Speaking States(Rs Per month) | In Hindi Speaking States (Rs.per month) |
Pre-University, Intermediate, First Year of Three-Years Degree Course and equivalent courses | 50 | 80 |
B.A. (Pass and Honours), Second and Third Year of Three Years Degree Course | 75 | 105 |
M.A., M.Litt. and equivalent Courses and Hindi Teachers’ Training Courses | 100 | 125 |
Ph.D | 100 | 125 |
Application Process:
Application forms are supplied by non-Hindi Speaking State Governments. Completed applications with attested copies of testimonials, etc should be submitted to the notified authority of non-Hindi speaking state by the prescribed date. Voluntary Hindi Organisations are required to send applications to the State Govts/UT admn. concerned. Institutions conducting courses of Voluntary Hindi Organisation should submit applications through parent body.