IAS Exam Papers-Main - Psychology (Paper -II) 2005

PAPER-- II -- 2005 Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300 Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any THREE of the remaining questions selecting at least ONE question from each Section. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Write short notes on any three of the following (each note should not exceed 200 words) : 20x3=60
(a) Personality Disorder.
(b) Symptoms and etiology of schizophrenia
(c) Psychodynamic therapies
(d) Career counselling

2. Discuss the different types of psychological tests. Describe ethical issues involved in the use of psychological tests. 60
3. Highlight the role of psychologists in rehabilitation of physically, mentally and socially challenged persons. 60
4. What do you mean by positive health? Suggest some of the important factors responsible for positive health, well being, life style and quality of life. 60

5. Write short notes on any three of the following (each note should not exceed 200 words) : 20x3=60
(a) Psychological strategies in handling the conflicts and prejudices.
(b) Factors responsible for improving performance of sports personnel
(c) Importance of Environmental Psychology
(d) Human Engineering in Defence
6. Describe the concept of social integration. What are the major problems of social integration? Explain in detail the measures to achieve social integration. 60
7. What do you mean by women entrepreneurs? What are the important characteristics of an entrepreneurial behaviour? 60
8. What psychological disorders take place due to war? Discuss the importance ofCounseling in dealing wit War victims. 60

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