1. How did Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel succeed in avoiding the evil consequences of the doctrine of lapse of paramountcy and in integrating Indian States? OR
Examine the causes and nature of extremism in Indian politics in the early part of the present century. (About 250 words)
2. Answer any two of the following:
(a) What were the salient features of Gandhi-Irwin Pact?
(b) Discuss Mahatama Gandhi’s concept of ‘Basic Education’. How far was it a departure from conventional system of education?
(c) What were the circumstances that led to the partition of India in 1947?
(About 250 words on each)
3. Answer any three of the following :
(a) What do you understand about ‘Drain of wealth during British rule? Examine its effects on Indian economy.
(b) The name of RajaRam Mohan Roy stands foremost in the field of religious and social reforms.’ Elucidate.
(c) The Preamble to the Constitution is aimed to embody the fundamental values and the philosophy on which the Constitution is based Elucidate.
(d) What are the provisions regarding the protection of Linguistic minorities in the Constitution? (About 75 words on each)
4. (a) Write about the chief features of the following :
(i) Chaitya (ii) Vijayanagara (iii) Yaksha Gana (iv) Khayal
(b) What do you know about the following?
(v) Lalit Kala Academy (vi) Poona Sarvajanik Sabha
(vii) Rowlatt Act (viii) August Declaration,1917
(c) Where are the following located and with which event are they associated?
(ix) Surat (x) Vaikom (xi) Midnapur
(d) Where are the following become famous?
(xii) Shymji Krishnavarma (xiii) Rani Gaidinliu
(xiv) Saifuddin Kitchlew (xv) Dr. Nivedita Bhasin (About 20 words on each)
5. Where and when was the meeting between the Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan held in 1997? What were the main decisions taken and what follow-up action has been taken?
Describe the recent significant developments in Sino-Russian relations. How have the Russain people reacted to these developments? (About 250 words)
6. Attempt any three of the following:
(a) What is the Taliban Movement? How has it influenced the geopolitical equations in Asia?
(b) What circumstances led to the victory of Socialists in the parliamentary elections in France?
(c) What was the Pathfinder by Mission? What were its main findings?
(d) What do you understand by Heaven’s Gate? Why was it in the news recently?
(About 100 words on each)
7. Attempt any three of the following:
(a) What fallout can the ‘Mir’ troubles have on the future of US-Russian cooperation in space?
(b) Why has there been opposition from the North-eastern States to the Supreme Court ban on all activities inside forests?
(c) What is VDIS? What does it aim at?
(d) What was the fallout of the Plenary Session of Indian National Congress in Calcutta in August 1997?
(e) On what grounds did India not sign the CTBT?
(f) What is likely to be the impact on Hong Kong’s economy after its transfer to China?
(g) What was the controversy about ‘Prithvi’? (About 50 words on each)
8. (a) Name the authors of the following books?
(i) The God of Small Things (ii) A Suitable Boy
(iii) Nice Guys Finish Second
(b) Who are the following? Why have they been in the news?
(iv) Mahashweta Devi (v) Sivaji Ganeshan (vi) Sanjay Ghosh
(vii) Sanath Jayasurya (viii) Martina Hingis (ix) Iva Majoli
(x) Mike Tyson (xi) Mother Teresa
(c) Name the directors of the following films:
(xii) Train to Pakistan (xiii) Sardari Begam (xiv) Saaz
(xv) Batman and Robin (About 20 words on each)
9. “In1985, out of a total 2000 students in a college, 1400 were for graduation and the rest for post-graduation. Out of 1400 graduate students, 100 were girls; however in all there were 600girls in the college.
In 1990, the number of graduate students increased to 1700 out of which 250 were girls, but the number of post-graduate students fell to 500, of which only 50 were boys.
In 1995, out of 800girl students, 650 were for graduation, whereas the total number of graduate students was 200. The number of boys and girls in graduate classes was equal.”
Represent the above information in a tabular form. Also calculate the percentage increase in the number of graduate students in the college in 1995 as compared to 1985.
10. (a) In one of the Five Year Plans of India, of the total of Rs. 7250 crore, the plan outlays for Agriculture & Irrigation, Transport & Communication, Community Development, Power, and Industry & Minerals had been rupees 1275 crore, 1450 crore, 400 crore, 925 crore, 1500 crore respectively. The remainder was under the head Miscellaneous.
Represent the data by a pie diagram showing the relative percentages and corresponding angles in a tabular form.
(b) The mean of marks obtained in an examination by a group of 100 students was found to be 49.98. The mean of the marks obtained in the same examination by another group of 200 students was 52.32. Find the mean of the marks obtained by both the groups taken together.
11. (a) Mention, in each of the following cases, the most appropriate diagram to represent the data.
(i) Number of refrigerators produced by a certain factory during the last 10 yeas.
(ii) The expenditure on different major heads by a family during a given month.
(iii) Consumer price index number of working class people in two cities for the period 1985 to 1994.
(iv) The daily sales (in Rs.) in a shop for the last one year period.
(b) The following table shows the distribution of men according to their heights:
Height in cm. | No. of men |
less then 140 | 16 |
less then 150 | 40 |
less then 160 | 72 |
less then 170 | 93 |
less then 180 | 106 |
less then 190 | 125 |
less then 200 | 150 |
Find : (i) the percentage of men having height between 150 cm. and 180 cm. and
(ii) the percentage of men having height between 155 cm. and 170 cm.
12. (a) Examine the correctness of the following data regarding consumer’s liking for two products A and B.
“Out of a total of 200 consumers, 100 liked both A and B, 70 liked A but not B and 50 liked B but nor A.”
(b) Two firms A and b respectively pay 80,000 and Rs.60,000 per month as salary to its employees. From this information, can we concludes that firm A is paying higher salary to its employees as compared to the firm B ? State reason.
(c) The following is a series of index numbers using 1980 as base year. Reconstruct the series using 1983 as base year.
Year | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 |
Index | 100 | 110 | 175 | 250 | 300 |