Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management is a growing field in the area of finance. This module aims at creating a better understanding of the various concepts/principles related to investment analysis and portfolio management.

Why should one take this course?

  • To have a practical orientation towards the principles of investment, pricing and valuation"
  • To learn the various methodologies of financial analysis "

Who will benefit from this course?

  • Students of Management and Commerce
  • Finance Professionals
  • Employees with Treasury & Investment division of banks and financial institutions
  • Anybody having interest in this subject

Test details

Duration: 120 minutes

No. of questions: 60

Maximum marks: 100, Passing marks: 60 (60%); There is negative marking for incorrect answers."

Certificate validity: For successful candidates, certificates are valid for 5 years from the test date."


1,500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred Only).


Course Outline: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Module (.zip)

Study Material: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Module (.zip)

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