Goal Orientation/Motivation
- What are your specific goals in law?
- What do you see yourself doing in law 10-15 years from now?
- Tell me about an important goal you set for yourself and your success in reaching it?
- Getting the job done may necessitate unusual persistence or dedication to results, especially when faced with obstacles or distractions. Tell me about a time when you were very persistent in order to reach a goal.
- Give an example of a time that you did more than what was expected of you. Why did you do this?
- Tell me about a time when you had difficult goals associated with you work. Were you staisfied with those goals and their outcomes?
- Can you describe a time when your work was criticized? How did you handle the situation?
- Tell me about a time that best illustrates your ability to stick things out in a tough situation.
- How would you define success for a lawyer? For yourself?
- Waht special goals, other than those related to your occupation, have you established for yourself for the next ten years?
- What is your energy level like? Describe a typical day.
- Can you provide me with an example of a time when you we
- What is the greatest obstacle you have had to overcome?