Group Discussion Topics

General Topics
International relations
  1. Social Networking and its importance
  2. Internet to be banned or not?
  3. The aerated Drinks and Indian Youth
  4. The Treat of Developing nations to India
  5. Professionalism vs Family
  6. Who can be the next PM
  7. The role of President
  8. Women empowerment
  9. The Women leaders of Generation
  10. Infrastructure - the primary requirement
  11. The education in India Vs Foreign education
  12. IITs and IIMs are causing Brain drains
  13. Puch lines and Advertisements
  14. The importance of 5 year Plans
  15. India and the extended urban areas
  16. The population and divide
  17. Movies and Youth
  18. The need of a regulatory body
  19. Whose responsibility it is to provide protection from terrorism - public, businesses or the government
  20. How justified are nationalist measures in the era of global cooperation in trade?
  21. Solutions for terrorism
  22. Is Globalization Really Necessary?
  23. What shall we do about our Ever-Increasing Population?
  24. Banning of Trade Unions will be Beneficial in Growth of the Economy
  25. Why can't India be a World-Class Player in Manufacturing Industry as it is in IT & BPO Sectors?
  26. views on expenditure on space exploration, as against taking economic measures to help businesses?
  27. leadership and diversity- Obarac Obama the first Arfican-American President
  28. Global financial crisis
  1. Possibilities of Indo- US strategic collaborations
  2. United Nations and its role
  3. USA and Iraq
  4. UN Peace activities
Abstract topics
  1. Something is Nothing
  2. The slow and Steady wins the race
  3. The bottlenecks
  4. If I were ...
  5. Red is red and white is white
  6. Only the holy cow produces the best hamburgers
  7. The Nostradamus Code
  8. Political Correctness
  9. Vegetarianism
  10. When clock strikes again
  11. The Land of Opportunities
General Topics Industry based topics
  1. The role of Green Peace
  2. e-governance in India
  3. m-governance and its prospects
  4. Terrorism and extremities
  5. Religious extremism: Good or Bad
  6. Luxury and Need at same price: Onion Vs Petrol
  7. The race against high pay- MBAs
  8. Competition or healthy competition
  9. The health consciousness of Indians
  10. The loosing value of Money
  11. A proud Indian?
  12. The global financial crunch and India
  13. The strict regulations a ban or boon
  14. The increasing social divide
  15. The reverse population pyramid
  16. Responsibilities of An Indian
  17. Honesty and Indian Citizens
  18. Should all organizations being privatized
  19. The Government culture
  20. Does death of a leader of an organization ensure complete cessation of its activities?
  21. Should rich countries bear the economic burden of poorer and less-productive countries?
  22. How do Sports affect businesses?
  23. How would you handle the situation if you were Zimbabwe's president?(Rising food and fuel prices trigger riots and unrest in the Third World. Countries like Zimbabwe have suffered terribly)
  24. how the government owned oil PSUs make the losses, and get subsidized by the oil bonds again by the government
  25. Developing Countries need Trade, not Aid
  26. Poverty in Third World Countries is due to Prosperity in First World Countries
  27. Indian Economy: Old Wine in New Bottle!
  28. Private Participation in Infrastructure is Highly Desirable
  1. The 2-G auction and lessons learned
  2. The telecom industry in India
  3. The Most affected industry of financial crisis
  4. The least affected industries during the financial crisis
  5. Banking Industry the backbone of India
  6. Government the largest consumer
  7. BPO industry in India
  8. Entrepreneurship the next big leap
  9. Incubating units in encouraging Entrepreneurship
  10. VAT Vs GST
  11. The new Direct Tax code
  12. Renewable vs Non renewable sources of energy
  13. The middlemen and Indian farmers
  14. Agriculture and India
  15. The IT hub of India
  16. Genetic engineering and its effects
  17. The stem cell modifications: To be banned or not
  18. India without the IT industry
  19. Mergers & acquisitions
General Topics Games
  1. Too much privatization is killing
  2. Working for a social cause
  3. Teach India initiatives
  4. East Vs Rest: India
  5. Environment - Whose responsibility
  6. Natural resources and its optimal usage
  7. Premarital sex
  8. Indian Marriage is loosing its value
  9. The relevance of gandhism today
  10. Gandhigiri in India
  11. The Am-Admi and Government
  12. Examinations Vs Education
  13. Castless India
  14. Survivors tool in the decade
  15. Are Indians fit for Democracy
  16. Artificial intelligence and Man
  17. Trade unions and Organizations
  18. Do we have to optimize our Defense budget
  19. Kids of today
  20. Role of ethics in tobacco industry
  21. Role of ethics in liquor industry
  22. Are beauty pageants necessary?
  23. Should we break an egg from the smaller end or larger?
  24. "secret" or "confidential" -- Privacy Vs. public accountability
  25. Are corporates justified to assume a greater role than the government?
  26. How accountable are today's governments towards the industry and community at large?
  27. Is it better to be in love than have a hundred million dollars?
  28. Very small countries such as Monaco and Macau need not exist.
  29. Students, not the teachers determine whether a school is good or bad.
  1. The new forms of cricket
  2. Is IPL loosing the game factor of Cricket
  3. Lesson learned from Common-Wealth Games
  4. The national game of India
  5. Football vs cricket
Case study GD topics
  1. Design a UID for India
  2. What is the best process of admission for an MBA program
  3. Estimate the flower industry in India
  4. Estimate the car industry in India
  5. A Govt company in Semiconductor industry has been going negative over last 5 years, What are the possible means to revamp.
  6. A company is facing a financial crunch, How can it get its funding
  7. If you were the minister of Telecom: Auction of 2-G Spectrum
  8. Capacity building or Outsourcing
  9. Borderless World- A dream or Reality
  10. A Life without internet
  11. The blur of work-life boundaries in corporate world
General Topics
International relations
  1. SIs MNCs Superior to Indian Companies?
  2. Advertising is a Waste of Resources
  3. Privatization will lead to Less Corruption
  4. Should India break Diplomatic Ties with Pakistan?
  5. Use of Force by Banks to Recover Loans
  6. Skilled Manpower Shortage in India
  7. Technology Creates Income Disparities
  8. In our economic matters, there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than doing.
  9. Every cloud has a silver lining
  10. Is disinvestment really that good for India or is a rethink in order?
  11. Are co-operatives relevant in today's globalised environment?
  12. Foreign aid is a dangerous drug that can stimulate in small doses but become fatally addictive in larger doses.
  13. Government should clean its own hands before pointing finger at the private sector for corruption.
  14. Reforms have to grow up.
  15. Globalization vs. Nationalism
  16. Economic freedom not old fashioned theories of development will lead to growth and prosperity
  17. Should businessmen run the finance ministry?
  18. Should important services like transport be left to market forces?.
  19. Who says MNCs are superior to Indian companies?
  20. What we need to reduce scams is better regulatory bodies.
  21. Trade can help the poor?
  22. Water resources should be nationalised
  23. Are Co-operatives Relevant in Today's Global Environment?
  24. Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?
  25. Space Missions are a Wastage of Resources for a Resource-Starved Nation like India
  26. Satyam Scandal would Impact Foreign Investments in India
  1. How to Deal with High Oil Prices?
  2. Multinational Corporations: Are they Devils in Disguise?
  3. Are Indians Less Quality Conscious?
  4. Ethics in Business are just a Passing Fad
  5. Is the Consumer really the King in India?
  6. Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad?
  7. Is there any Point in having a Business Strategy when the World changes from Month to Month?
  8. Is the Patents Bill Good for India?
  9. Is the Business of Business only Business?
  10. Public Sector being a Guarantor of Job Security is a Myth
  11. Capitalism is a very Flawed System but the others are so much worse
  12. How can a Business get rid of the Bad Name that it has earned?
  13. Government Pumping Money into the Economy is not the Solution for our Economic Problems
  14. Is the Budgeting Exercise of any Use?
  15. Should Agricultural Subsidies be stopped?
  16. We Need Drinking Water and Not Coke & Pepsi in Rural India
  17. Rise of Regional Blocs Threatens Independent Nations like India
  18. Should the public sector be privatized?
  19. Is commercialization of sports justified?
  20. Vada-pav vs. Mc Donald Burger
  21. Communism has lost its relevance
  22. Cinema is at most entertainment with a degenerating effect
  23. Journalism should be out of the premises of censorship
  24. In our society, leadership should be entrusted to the youth and not to the old
  25. Educated Indian lacks national commitment
  26. Beauty contests don’t fit into the Indian culture
  27. Terrorism is like a virus very easy to spread, very difficult to contain

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